Dating a freemason

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The former, appeared to harbour some reservations about Masonic ritual, whilst being anxious to avoid causing offence to Freemasons inside and outside the Church of England. Let us start with the most recent place that is civil as acts of adultery that he has committed, in the area of Tampa Florida. Will this be the awaited antichrist. And eh, what oaths do you take. Masonic Apron a symbol of defiance. It i s a time of waiting by the wearied workman for the el of the Grand Maste r of the universe who will summon the Master Mason from labours on eart h to the eternal refreshments of heaven. In the past We have counseled through prophets, your Popes, to forbid all who have joined in My Son's Church, forbid them to become part of freemasonry and the Masons. No matter how low they get, no matter how vicious their behaviour, dating a freemason is forgiven, all is blessed by the duped and ever-ignorant public.

The Freemasons do print family Bibles and Bibles with instruction, history, etc. Being a Freemason is not like being Catholic, Methodist, Mennonite, etc. Being a Freemason is a great group of men who help their communities, brothers, families, etc. In the center of the outer front cover mine has a small square stamped picture of the Bible and an all seeing eye above it. The one I have, a Masonic Bible given to my Great grandmother from her son, my grandfather, in 1931 is a regular copy of the King James Version. When you first open that big hard-cover Bible, before you reach the biblical texts, they have a section with information on Freemasonry, a section which points out interesting things within the scriptures themselves, and a place where you can jot down your family tree. After that section is the Biblical text... There's nothing special about it... In order to be a mason, you must have a belief in one God. So, a TORAH, New Testament, or a Quran can be used. The freemasons are often connected to those who fought in the Crusades that were known as the Knights Templar, the Wall of Solomon, Jewish mysticism etc... They do not have their own version of the Bible. First of all, the freemasons can use all kinds of religious books. In order to be a mason, you must have a belief in one God. So, a TORAH, New Testament, or a Quran can be used. At least officially, the one religious requirement that Masons require is to be a monotheist. Hence, some Lodges have Protestant Bibles on their altar, some have Hebrew Bibles, some have Qu'rans. Catholics are forbidden from becoming Masons per our own rule and for some historical reasons, which is one reason why we established the Knights of Columbus instead. Due to the French Revolution, the Lodges in France are allowed to be atheistic. Great Architect of the Universe Masons' begining lies in masonry and the skills used. This history is in some of the Bibles as well as the different degrees, funeral rites, etc. Not every Masonic Bible is identical. Some do have family pages, not all do. Some have the degrees and different rites. Some have the history. I would say Brandon has the appropriate wording. I said a higher power, but really GAOTU is the accurate wording. I have never read any book that has any exception for this. Of course I can only read English and only have Canadian and US relatives that are Freemasons, so it is possible, but from the books I have read from the begining, it doesn't seem likely. Being a Freemason is not like being Catholic, Methodist, Mennonite, etc. Being a Freemason is a great group of men who help their communities. Not your Entered Apprentice or your lowly humble types, but William Jefferson Clinton slippery 'Bill' of White House scandal. Bill just happens to be a Freemason. This in respect to his adultery and fornication with Monica Lewinsky. You will remember that debacle? Why, it's unheard of. It goes against everything they stand for. It is morally repugnant. No matter how low they get, no matter how vicious their behaviour, all is forgiven, all is blessed by the duped and ever-ignorant public. What was that Holy Book that you read again? And eh, what oaths do you take? And who, exactly, is your God? He has a name, you know. It's in the Bible. Remember - that book you probably haven't dusted down in years and have no intention of picking up. I would point out that Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism, was a Freemason, as was his brother, Hyrum, as was Brigham Young, second leader of the Mormon cult, as was Sidney Rigdon, an early leader, as was Heber C. You are like no Bible salesman I have ever seen. That is your profession, isn't it, the one you state in your profile? And they were rounded up nearly all of them at least and burned. This would have been in the 14th century or so I think, probably the early part of the 14th century. I've heard and read all kinds of things about them. How about the US dollar bill?? With the trapezoidal shape and the all-seeing eye? Or the idea that if you look at the Pentagon, from above, you could trace the inverted pentagram 5-pointed star, upside down out of it; the inverted pentagram is also a symbol of theirs, sometimes seen on car bumpers, etc, I think they call it the Order of the Eastern Star or something like that. These are the Shriners, as they're called. A type of Mason I think, correct? Just as a footnote, Aleister Crowley, 'the wickedest man in the world', to use his own description, was a 33degree Freemason, a master Satanist, a man who taught his followers how to sacrifice human beings to lower entities. Just as a footnote, this indictment of Crowley is total malarkey. Regarding his connection with Freemasonry however, from the Grand Lodge of British Columbia's website, which has a section which deals with dispelling popular myths and anti-masonic propaganda: Aleister Crowley and Freemasonry -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aleister Crowley, a brilliant student of symbolism and ritual, had at least four major contacts with Freemasonry as a complete body. In 1900, while in Mexico, Crowley became involved with a Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. This period of Central American Craft Freemasonry has been described as a chaotic mess; masonic bodies springing up and dissolving within a matter of days. Crowley was supposedly initiated into the 33° of the Ancient and Accepted Rite, thus obtaining the title of Grand Inspector General. This title is actually one of administrative rank, and not of ritual degree. The 33° is styled Sovereign Grand Inspector-General and is sparingly conferred by the Supreme Councils of the recognised jurisdictions. There does not appear to be any record of this conferment other than his claim made in The Confessions of Aleister Crowley. In about 1904 Crowley was initiated into Craft Freemasonry in Anglo-Saxon Lodge No. At the time it was under the jurisdiction of the Grande Loge de France, and so was not recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England as a regular masonic body. He was initiated, passed and raised over a period of several months in 1904. It is suggested but unconfirmed that he was proposed by a country parson from Oxfordshire. Yarker was initiated on October 25, 1854 in Liberty Lodge No. This Grand Council was not recognised by the Supreme Council in Duke Street. James, who had expelled Yarker, established the Antient and Primitive Rite in Great Britain. To this effect, he bestowed on Crowley, by post, the degrees of 33°, 90° and 95°; respectively, the Ancient and Accepted, Memphis and Mizraim. No evidence is available that the two ever met. Meyer was elected the new Grand Master General, and Crowley the Grand Administrator General, and also a Patriarch Grand Conservator, his status being elevated to 33°, 90° and 96°. If any, the response would have been a rebuttal, due to the irregularity of his mother lodge. The United Grand Lodge of England does not recognize Crowley as a member of the Craft. All his affiliations were with irregular bodies, and so they deny him recognition. The last bit of nonsense, regarding human sacrifice, is the silliest bit of drivel, only propounded by the most ignorant, gullible and those so outside the loop of occult knowledge as to believe the most sensational of knowledge when the actually believe that Crowley literally meant that he sacrificed a child... Crowley is referring to something equally or perhaps even more repugnant to born-again Christian types... Oh dear Lord Noooooo! Perhaps the propaganda was a preferable explanation to you Flanders types out there that like your enemies babies skulls dashed out on the stones, Old Testament style? Any more BS about the Masons anyone needs debunked? Just as a footnote, this indictment of Crowley is total malarkey. It's good to hear others' opinions. In addressing the jury, Mr Justice Swift said: 'I have been over forty years engaged in the administration of the law in one capacity or another. I thought that I knew of every conceivable form of wickedness. I thought that everything which was vicious and bad had been produced at one time or another before me. I have learnt in this case that we can always learn something more if we live long enough. I have never heard such dreadful, horrible, blasphemous and abominable stuff as that which has been produced by the man Crowley. He really should have kept his feet on the ground. Just as a footnote, Aleister Crowley, 'the wickedest man in the world', to use his own description, was a 33degree Freemason, a master Satanist, a man who taught his followers how to sacrifice human beings to lower entities. Another great bull read would be about William Morgan. Of course you could also discuss what really happen to Napolean... Washington DC was designed by Masons and the cornerstone of the White House contains a time capsule, mind you this is by memory, but there was a Masonic Ceremony for the dedication of the building. The founding fathers were indeed practicing Masons. The inaguration ceremony was decided upon at the last minute to resemble a Masonic Ceremony. There are some really interesting stories about brother Masons during the Civil War. Shriners are 32d Masons. I have met a few Hirams in my life. I have read quite a few books on Masons in my life. Eastern Star, Jobs Daughters, and Demolay sp? I know by POF rules I am not supposed to put in an advertisement for what I do, so thank you for suggesting that people check my profile so they might be directed to the source of my knowledge about the Bible and Masonic books, besides my family being Masons for many generations. Glad you like my bathing suit. I can't wait to do more swimming. I often take books to the beach with me to read too. It is important to me to be healthy inside and out. As I am human and make mistakes, I try not judge anyone. I know that the Pope said he is doing what he feels is necessary to help remove those that may be hurting children. The school systems are removing teachers the same way. I can only pray for these people and for myself. And if you trace the beginings of the Freemasons, you will find that their was a mason that contained much knowledge but was not treated by others as he should have been. It is an interesting story about doing the right thing. It's good to hear others' opinions. In addressing the jury, Mr Justice Swift said: 'I have been over forty years engaged in the administration of the law in one capacity or another. I thought that I knew of every conceivable form of wickedness. I thought that everything which was vicious and bad had been produced at one time or another before me. I have learnt in this case that we can always learn something more if we live long enough. I have never heard such dreadful, horrible, blasphemous and abominable stuff as that which has been produced by the man Crowley. He really should have kept his feet on the ground. He also was evidently Victorian in his morality and can't be faulted for being a prudish member of the British upper class establishment... However the Court of Appeal later agreed that even though there was not to be a new trial that Crowley was given a bum deal and likely would have won on appeal. I assume that Justice Swift's opinion is being levered here as a legal expert... Are you familiar with the logical fallacy of appeal to authority? It would be relevant here if the matter under discussion were a legal question... Do you have any actual evidence of Crowley's practice of human sacrifice or exhortations to others to do so? I can answer for you - no you don't because it doesn't exist in any of his teachings. That is not opinion, it is common knowledge to anyone who has read the man's works or has a library card. Otherwise, Crowley should otherwise go down in history as a religious fringe figure, writer of mediocre and sometime scatalogical poetry and compared to Hitler or Idi Amin, hardly evil, wicked, or Satanic in any real sense. How does one become a Mason? I've heard it requires sponsorship, initially, and then a lot of memorization for certain rites, etc. I have never known anyone that I know of at least who has been a Mason, no one in my family, etc. So it probably would be harder to get accepted. Look in your local phone book. Find the nearest temple or lodge. Call them up and ask. And yes, sponsorship is required, but guys already in the lodge, after meeting you, can do that. And yes, there's a fair bit of memorization involved; Freemasonry is heavily steeped in tradition and ceremony. Or so I hear ;-. Cowboy There is no requirement to complete the 32 Degrees of the Scottish Rite to be a Shriner. See, I am so human... Gould, Mackey and other authors from the 1800's don't write about the Shrine. So what I know of the Shrine is only based on my family and the men I know. I really try to be good and not ask questions. I think I know more than I should as it is, but hard not to read the books you sell. I do so love those men for holding the circuses etc. So many families have been given help by these men. I do so love those men for holding the circuses etc. So many families have been given help by these men. A chance to goof around, have fun, ride little cars, and do great works. And hey, questions are always welcome. It just might be that answers might not be available from the Mason himself; there are honor oaths taken that limit things of that nature. But, hey, let's be realistic. There's not very much about the traditions and rites of Freemasonry that isn't exposed somewhere out here on the net. Just gotta be careful about which parts you choose to believe ;-. Cowboy William Jefferson Clinton slippery 'Bill' of White House scandal. Bill just happens to be a Freemason. Why don't you do some research instead of lending your ear permanently to factless conspiracy theories??? He was a DeMolay... I am a DeMolay and we booted him from our senior membership because he violated our virtue of cleanliness. If I want to be a Freemason, I have to apply. So slick-willy isn't a Freemason and never was one.

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